Free E-Book:

5 Unusual Ways
To Get More Space & Joy In Your Life.

The will of God is manifest in each moment, an immense ocean which only the heart fathoms insofar as it overflows with faith, trust and love.— Jean-Pierre de Caussade, The Sacrament of the Present Moment

PCCCA Certified Christian
Grief Coach


Johanna is a certified PCCCA Grief Coach and an ICF-trained Life Coach through Professional Christian Coaching Institute. She entered this field after 25 years of working in people-centered roles in corporations in the US and Africa, with a passion for working with leaders and entrepreneurs.

power of grief coaching

why grief coaching?

When we are experiencing a time of great loss, it can be hard to look beyond the current circumstances. A Grief Coach, when certified, is trained and skilled in meeting you exactly where you are. This may be after grieving for a few months or multiple years. The true power of coaching is in the process of the individual creating personalized goals and a plan in order to reach them.A Grief Coach may ask powerful questions like,
“How do you want to feel beyond your loss?”
Looking forward,

christian grief coach

"If you loved it and lost it, then grieve it"

As a Christian Grief Coach, Johanna walks clients through life’s most challenging moments. Ultimately, she aims to help her clients not only return to a life similar to what they experienced before their loss but instead move further into the life God created them for.Johanna works with clients who are grieving any significant loss from the loss of a child, spouse, job, health, and so many more. Johanna lives by the motto: “If you loved it and lost it, then grieve it.” She has often referred clients from psychologists and counselors who are discharging clients from the deep healing of the past when they are prepared to start moving forward. She utilizes various tools in her coaching, including those for decision-making, visioning, understanding values, stress relief, etc.Johanna has lived her own healing and development process after working through childhood trauma and an abrupt end to her marriage.Beyond one-on-one coaching, Johanna also facilitates grief groups and retreats, allowing clients to leap forward in their understanding and experience of grief. In addition, she enjoys connecting with people via her weekly grief-focused inspirational blog.Outside her profession of Grief Coaching, Johanna’s favorite vocation is raising her son to be the person God created him to be. Johanna is an alumnus of American University in Washington, DC, where she obtained degrees in both Public Communication and business. Beginning in the fall of 2023, Johanna will also start her Master’s in Counseling at Divine Mercy University in Sterling, VA, where she aims to draw on her full ecumenical background.

we don't all grieve the same way

Carrying The Cross

You are not your grief. There is an opportunity for you, today, to receive a new perspective: You are so much more than the grief you are experiencing. More than the loss that is currently breaking your heart.Coaching is a powerful, professional relationship that helps people make progress in their life when they feel most stuck. After a significant loss, coaching can be the answer to move beyond the depths of grief to a more joy-filled life.

“No one ever told me that grief felt so like fear.” - C.S. Lewis


Grief Coaching vs. Grief Counseling

While grief is a very natural part of being alive, we are often unprepared for how we will
respond to a significant loss. Our grief process is as unique as we are.
Beyond that, we may grieve different losses in different ways.
It is often helpful to have a guide to help you through a season of loss
and it’s important to choose someone that meets your specific needs.


grief coaching

Life coaching has developed, through the years, into a proven process that helps and encourages clients to envision and realize their dreams, desires, and aspirations. Grief coaching can be either an alternative or a progression after grief counseling.While they sound similar, Grief Coaching and Grief Counseling are very different.Grief coaches, shift clients’ actions to help them grow through loss. That approach benefits clients that get by, but want to thrive.


grief counseling

Grief Counseling focuses very much on the past and uses deep healing methods to help a client move beyond loss. A grief counselor may ask a question like, “How has this loss deeply affected you?” Grief Coaching, on the other hand, helps a client look to the future and beyond the loss.Grief counselors shift clients’ feelings to help them cope with loss. That approach benefits clients with unresolved emotions.


Your thoughts keep drifting back to who or what was lost, instead of focusing on what is ahead.You can’t see what God desires from you beyond your grief.You feel alone in your suffering.You feel as though you still lack closure over your loss.You can’t yet see a future without who or what you lost.You need to feel like you are in control of your emotions and life events again.You have stopped expressing yourself to others in worry they won’t be able to deal with your feelings.You have been waiting for time to heal your pain, but it hasn’t worked.
You have created a memorial or shrine to the person you lost and need to let them go so you can move forward.
You need to understand that “completing” your grief is not disrespectful to the one you lost.




When we go through a period of grief, and are rounding that corner towards making that first step into different, new and unknown paths, it can be difficult to navigate our thoughts. We can feel pulled in many directions.Grief Coaching is an excellent means to help bring focus and clarity bak into your life!



Pause. Take a breath. Let's take some time together, to consider where you are and where you want to be.Reflection need not be melancholy. But, rather a means to take stock of your life and everything and everyone in it.This time of inner reflection, is a healthy partnership between you, God and your Coach.



Those new ideas that are budding? Those tentative and scary plans that are beginning to form again as you prepare to re-enter the world after a time of mourning---these are the crucial moments to pick through your wants and needs, and refine what is ultimately important and holds the most value to you and your life---going forward.

you are going to be fine.

“It is suffering, more than anything else, which clears the way for the grace which transforms human souls.”
-Pope John Paul II-


A Secret to a Peace-Filled Existence

For many people, this can be one of the most agonizing and heartbreaking areas of life; it was for me. I was convinced, there was nothing worse than thinking that an alternate reality was out there waiting for me while I was stuck living a less-than-worthy existence.I wanted the vision. The plan. I wanted something clear to move towards, and I wanted assurance that what I was moving towards was the right direction. This led to a recipe for anxiety. I was constantly second guessing myself and looking towards something that didn’t yet exist. At its worst, I thought of the person I needed to become to fulfil this illusive purpose.The instruction came in triplicate over the course of one week. It was so clear I couldn’t just ignore what I was hearing. The idea is central to my faith but rarely talked about in the context of faith. We so often hear about “finding your calling,” and this concept often leads us far away from what God truly wants for us.

God's Call

In this moment, am I able to answer what God is calling me to do? Can I truly surrender to His divine will?

Yes you can!We get to our destinations not in leaps and bounds, but by putting one foot in front of the other, one step at a time.

Do the next thing

In your suffering, focus exactly where you are now and do what is in front of you.If you reach too far out, you’re bound to get overwhelmed. God is with you now. He’s not in your fabrication of the future.


How comfortable are you in this present moment?

"I was busy praying for my future, and God was busy connecting with me in the present moment. God doesn’t seem to lavish amazing grace onto my future. He lavishes grace directly into my present moment — if I let Him."-Johanna Stamps-

Morbi nunc


Be confident and be assured that God's will for your life is more practical than anything we can want for ourselves.

when you're ready

i'm here for you

Everybody suffers, and we all have our crosses to bear.What's truly amazing and gratifying, is that we don't have to suffer alone.I would be honored to accompany you in this time of your life.

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5 Unusual Ways
To Get More Space & Joy In Your Life.

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